
24.7 Crisis Supports Peel Dufferin

NEED HELP? 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123 

IN CRISIS? 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222

At risk for homelessness? | STREET HELPLINE 1-877-848-8481

If you’re thinking about suicide, 9-8-8 is here to help. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime.

24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin is a voluntary community crisis service that is comprised of a team of crisis support workers who are registered social workers, nurses and occupational therapists. Individuals can call for direct support or to request help for someone they are concerned about.  A crisis support worker will speak to you over the telephone to assess the nature of the crisis and to put a plan in place to ensure safety and support.

For non-crisis information and referrals, please contact: 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123

24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin is not an emergency response unit. If your situation is a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

Phone Crisis Line: 905-278-9036 / Non-Crisis Line: 905-451-2123
Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-888-811-2222 / Street Helpline: 1-877-848-8481 / Non-Crisis Line: 1-877-451-2123
Service Hours 24 hours a day/7 days a week
Who can use this service Adults 18 years and older who are residents of Peel Region or Dufferin County and are experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis.